Supporting people with
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Cycling for CRPS

Co-founder and Chairperson of CRPS UK, Amanda Nelson, developed CRPS in 2010, after suffering numerous soft tissue injuries, caused by a rare congenital foot deformity – Navicular Calcaneal Coalition (bilateral), which was diagnosed at the age of forty. As a result of the condition she had a triple fusion of the left foot but had in retrospect, presented with CRPS symptoms long before the surgery. However, it was 18 months after the coalition diagnosis and 12 months post-surgery that a diagnosis of CRPS was made.

Pre-CRPS, she was very active, taking part in many sports, travelling extensively, living and working overseas. Developing CRPS changed her life irrevocably, which had a profound effect on her emotional and mental wellbeing. She began to turn her life around after rediscovering cycling through a charity called Charlotte’s Tandems and getting her beloved black Labrador, Dyson and training him as her service dog, with the help of Dog A.I.D. This in turn set her on a journey to raise awareness of CRPS, and Cycling for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome was born.

Since she started her Cycling 4 CRPS awareness campaign, she has organised and set herself annual challenges:

Lands End to John O’Groats 9th September – 29th September 2013

A journey of 1140 miles and 20 days of cycling

Minety – Snowdonia & Zipwire 28th October – 1st November 2014

A bike ride totalling 200 miles over 4 days, followed by a ride on Europe’s longest zipwire, to coincide with ‘Color the World Orange’, an initiative started in the US in 2013 to unite sufferers worldwide and raise awareness of CRPS.

12 Hour Static Cycle Ride 2nd November 2015

I will be doing my third annual cycle challenge. This year I will be attempting a 12 hour static ride to raise money for CRPS UK.
When: Monday 2nd November 2015
Where: Sports Training Village – Bath.
Time: From 8am – 8pm.
Learn more.

Further details to follow.

If you are interested in joining me for a leg of the ride, please contact me at for details on how you can take part.

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