Supporting people with
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Run the London Marathon for CRPS UK

Could you Run the London Marathon for CRPS UK?

CRPS UK is looking for someone to take up our 2021 London Marathon Place. If you are up for the challenge please fill in our online application form here.

photo of a sporting event, there are several people in the foreground at barriers
in the centre of the image there is a woman in a CRPS UK branded running vest
Text over the image reads "We have a London marathon place! Fill in the form for your chance to run"

Running the London Marathon is a fantastic fundraising opportunity for small charities like ours. It’s also a great chance to raise awareness of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. Without the hard work of fundraisers CRPS UK would not be able to support people with CRPS. You can find out more about what we do here. We rely on donations and people going out of their way to support us. Thank you to everyone who has done so in the past!

This year the London Marathon is taking place on the 3rd of October. You will need to be available and to get a training regime in place in time. We will support you in your fundraising and you’ll get some CRPS UK branded goodies as a thank you for all of your hard work.

We are particularly looking for people who would be interested in writing a blog about their experience. Our members are interested in hearing about your efforts, so make sure to mention this in your application.  If you have a particular connection to CRPS, for example a family member or loved one with the condition, please tell us about that too.

If you’d like to run the London Marathon for our charity make sure to apply soon! Applications close on the 7th of June at 5pm so do not delay.

If you have any questions or would like to fundraise for CRPS UK in another way please do not hesitate to to email us at

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